Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On-Shift Short Stories- Volume 3: "Conversations from behind the curtains"

There are moments, much like the one that follows- where I ponder what the poor "Necessitative ER go-ers" must think during their life altering adventure to local Emergency rooms; gifted to them by means of traumatic injuries sustained from the frequent flying drunk driver brought in (and released) prior to their broken bones being casted & pinned back together...the little kid afraid of strangers sitting in a room of exactly that x 3, screaming about "People following me maaaaan!!"; Granny who's blindness just saved her from witnessing the unnecessary amount of naked that waltzed right passed...urinating everywhere as they go. Moments like these.

Curious to think why people continue to come to us for help when most often than not, I am sure the perception learned on TV grossly underplays the unique personalities of us who work there: the obliviously content scrub doting, Star of Life wearing medical professionals enjoying a cup of soup. All cozied up next to the UTI filled urinal, from the patient vomiting from 4 feet away. Disregarding the sounds & smells which flood & overwhelm the "Necessitative ER go-ers" senses; striking fear in their hearts like a phenomenal Halloween thriller.

I wonder if they find themselves peering down nonchalantly- at our laces...assuring each string rightfully in place still- just like we do when determining psychiatric patients VS. Staff & who to "Trust" to follow down the creepy dank hallway because "It's just right down this way, I promise..."

Conversations from behind the curtain-

RN:"Sooo, he's had 10 of Morphine & 5 of Versed so he's...*chuckle* happy."
ER Doc: *pressed lip look of understanding* "Wow, alrig-..."
*interrupted by loopy ramblings of foot fracture*
"Yea. Let's have some more of that Morphine...that sh#t's AWESOME, you want some?! Let's party!!"
My patient: *Suicidal with plan; danger to self...restrained to my gurney* "
I just need to go number 2....I've been here before, they let me that time. Why you gotta strap me down?! I just need to go #2!"
MA:"2 words: Bed. Pan."
Fractured Foot: *singing softly from behind curtain, pauses for occasional chuckle* "I'm!!"
Med Student:"Can you still feel it kicking all the time?"
RN: *slow shift of sight down to baby bulge, heavy sigh* "......"
Foot Fracture: *high pitched* "HIIIIIGH!"
MA:"You're one jumping lunge from poppin'' that sucker out!"

It would seem we should all be sporting matching friendship the form of soft restraints! LOL!!

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