Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Safe Word" kind of day...

WE- have a "Safe Word" in our Ambulance. Ours however, was not created like a normal Safe word. In our ambulance, this Safe Word holds a specific purpose and ONLY that one purpose- To protect my partner- "Iced Grande" from, well...ME. :-/
Ah the "Safe Word"...the verbal tap out for any and all uncomfortable situations. Or, the word used to open the gates for your army waiting in the shadows to keep you from getting the world outside the Sick Bus. Our word is: "SLOTH". Yes, that's right SLOTH! A Sloth is a creature that, as I'm sure you know- who doesn't really move with a purpose; takes their sweet time in life and definitely DOESN'T RUSH ANYTHING! Which is why it is PERFECT. You will see how many times it is used shortly...(SLOTH)

The invention of "SLOTH" was on a day much like the one that follows...a word...shuts me down. Like the kid that was just asked to read in front of the class...but has a lisp. A sudden rush of embarrassment...the "aaaaw maaaaaan...*looking down while kicking rocks*", kind of feeling. WORKS! A reminder for me to breathe between words; (SLOTH) to focus on one topic; (SLOTH) to harness the hurricane that is me. Smart man. (SLOTH) Do keep in mind thought that this word can be used by us both. Though yes, his tally of successful implementations still grossly out weighs mine, but I am working on it! (SLOTH)

I am pretty positive that all whom have worked with me have felt or feel the same at times as my current moving buddy. The difference between him and the rest of them are that he has been the only one smart enough to create a Safe Word for when he just needs a moment. (SLOTH) LOL. I understand that I can be quite a handful...hard to handle in large doses...let alone being stuck with for an ENTIRE shift. Can you really expect any different?? I have ADHD...sometimes even being around myself is too much for me ;-) *SHRUG* I guess I don't really notice it though. But, I HAVE had my ENTIRE life to get used to it....Then, (SLOTH) I stop and think what it must be like for Iced Grande, and those who came before him. I can only imagine.

Okay. Now Iced Grande: aka my work Husband- has been the poor soul I call my moving buddy 36-48 hours a week. That's a good long while to be in close quarters with anyone you aren't married to...I guess some could say that is a long time even if you ARE married to them. Well, in a way it is kind of like a work marriage (SLOTH) Hope he doesn't divorce me soon. I am really not a big fan of the whole "dating" scene in hopes to find a new keeper...once you find a good one, you hope that they stick around. (SLOTH)Especially for me. I'm an acquired taste...takes someone with the same amount of un-medicated energy to be able to forge the day to day with me. He's a 20-something, tall but short, light but dark haired kinda guy. Nice. And the only time I see him without a smile is either at the start of our day and his coffee hasn't kicked in OR if we have been running all day and his stomach is eating a hole in his backbone just as mine is. He's a good guy...and I will never be able to express enough how happy it makes me that he sticks around! Grateful. (SLOTH)

In the early hours (minutes really) I have been fairly successful at starting the smile quota as soon as we clock in. (I'm sure that it is because he is already dreading the upcoming 11:59:58 remaining on his 12:00:00 count down for the day)...but I would like to think that it is because I am just THAT awesome. (SLOTH) SO! This shift however...I learned that there CAN be too much of a "Good thing"- aka ME! ;-)

I walk in just like any other morning (SLOTH)...finger strumming picture frames as I walk passed. This- is how I start and end my day. (Maybe I was a button pusher as a what?!) Not enough energy though to make it is just a straight line. I open the door. (SLOTH) Iced Grande is sleeping standing up. Our first stop today will be at the nearest Latte Meca dispensary. I call up to the Land of the Voice in the Sky. We're in. Today, they sound ornery. Maybe they should join us for their quick fix too!

Iced Grande has the look of disbelief as I gallivant around like I am on speed...nothing out of the ordinary. (SLOTH) I have sleep problems...I'm a functional insomniac. I've learned to deal. I think the learning curve is a bit skewed for him though- like re-reading the Intro for the 10th time in attempt to understand what is actually happening. Sometimes I feel bad for Iced Grande. Couldn't have had ANY IDEA what was in store for him LOL...poor kid. (SLOTH) Well! It's raining- again. Go figure. We walk out with our bundle of fun for the day and off into the back 40 in search of our is the first shift of our rotation. He has the gear...I have my make shift umbrella (our laptop) over my head. (SLOTH) I dried my hair today, you know how long that takes?! We hike...and hike...AND hike. After the 3rd pass around, we spot it. Always hiding, silly Sick Bus. Like it doesn't wanna come play either. We load our bundle of fun and head to the dispensary.

Today for him? The usual....BUT a decision of food is added. Must be building up his energy to hang at my level. (SLOTH) I get my usual quick fix too. Even though every time I say yes when they repeat back my order, I question why I get ANYTHING. I'm sure Iced Grande thinks the same me coffee is like giving crack to a toddler. A tornado- that's how I feel...BEFORE I enjoy my warm cup of amazing. (SLOTH) Nonetheless, I order and minutes later I am always regretting my purchase. My fidget factor increases by a factor of 10 when 1 is where everyone else is. (SLOTH) I wait patiently...they mess up his order. He laughs it off. I'm balancing one foot on top of the other while singing along with the overhead jive. (SLOTH) "Order up!" He reaches...Wrong again. I get my cup of amazing. (SLOTH) His food is ready...he reaches (I watch in anticipation as the Dispensary Veteran comes in for the kill). Iced Grande has the early stages of *Smile #1* growing from the corners of the mouth...Dispensary Veteran: 1. Iced Grande: 0... But! Her shot is rejected, "That's mine actually..."- he states matter of factly. Dispensary Veteran looks bewildered...must not be used to someone launching a counter attack. She retreats only after hearing a second and third time that he is NOT backing down. Iced Grande completes the aforementioned smile. My hopes of witnessing an early morning battle...crushed. (SLOTH)

I hum the lingering jive all the way outside and into the bus until it is replaced by a new song- (Paradise!! My fave!) Volume- 10...(SLOTH). All of a sudden, I feel him staring... that is his way of telling me (without telling me) to turn the main down. (SLOTH) I take a drink and sing in my head...not missing a word (HA!) 4 minutes pass...*shaking my foot* I find myself biting my lip...*heavy exhale*...I ask about his weekend. He engages- like normal. He doesn't know that one ADHD can sense another ADHD and with our Powers combined we too can have 9 conversations at once. It makes me laugh. (SLOTH). His recently acquired energy aka- bagel with cream cheese= depleted. My mind, and mouth start to wonder...all it takes is one word and the possibilities for me are endless. I feel it again..."The Look". Crap. I stop jabber jawin'...
This goes on for all of about 5 minutes (HEY! that is a LONG time! Don't judge)...and right as I feel like my head is gonna start spinning from the forced silence I am attempting- we get our first call. (PHEW! Now I HAVE TO TALK!! WOOT!) No warning. Just "Code Red..." Perfect. Impeccable timing the Voice in the Sky has...there went our exit *thinking from the HOV lane*. (SLOTH) "OK, responding. Show us turning around". The look on Iced Grande's face is a classic "I'm not awake enough for this". Que Lights...siren...ACTION!.

On-scene to "I have a cough"...OK. Well. at least we didn't have to stand in the rain. We load and head to *insert local ER here*. This one was definitely they sleep on my gurney...awesome. (SLOTH) And to think- my coffee is getting cold. Great. Tuck and roll...we're clear and back on the road. I'm singing again. Iced Grande? Is not. (Wakey Wakey already!)

Before we have made our way back through the other Latte Meca commuters, I am providing in cab Karaoke...again. (SLOTH) In the beginning of our work marriage- he was reserved. Stoic. It took a while to build up to In Cab Duet though was NOT appearing to be a Duet day. Sad- there were SO MANY great songs on! (SLOTH) So instead, I sip my once warm cup of amazing...this is a difficult task mind you! Must...STAY...QUIET!.... (It's like I'm being tortured to tell a secret, but promised I wouldn't ruin the surprise.) Iced Grande is singing now...(Yea, that's happens A LOT more often then you think. I have my moments of quite too- thank you very much!) NOW...It's MY TURN! HA! (SLOTH)

Iced Grande Countdown- 09:35:46...We're only 2 hours in.. How many times have YOU used YOUR Safe Word today?! sloth...Sloth....SLOTH!!!

1 comment:

  1. These stories, tales, logs, chronicles should be required reading for everyone. Touching, funny, scary, informative and more.
