Friday, March 30, 2012

To Infinity...AND "BEYOND"!!: Volume 1...

Self explanatory, right?!?!  We get all sorts of stories- ones that you can spot as false from a mile away, and others- sad that they are TRUE! I have 3 to keep it short for sake of your time. THIS- is Volume 1...Sad but True 
I'm sure that most of you have seen photos similar to these circulating on the Internet and various other places... if not, feel free to find your friend "Google" to expand your horizon. Books have also been created- dedicated to stories (And pictures) much like the ones I will share...If you haven't seen or don't know what I am talking about, use your friend Amazon to find "Stuck Up."

"The Unfortunate Fall": Moving buddy "Gym Rat"

Gym Rat & I get to *Insert Local ER Here* to transfer a Mr. Avid Bicyclist for specialty care, to a better trained ER.  The Voice in the Sky- "Mid 30's Male. Transfer to Surgical Specialty from *Insert Local ER Here* for Rectal and Abdominal pain from Traumatic impalement." At first, Gym Rat & I share the same glance...minds whirring with the possibilities. (You'd be amazed with the tales told to us)

We wheel in. Get paperwork and head to meet our 1 o'clock. Mr. Avid Bicyclist. He is tall, mid 30's, fit and in a lot of pain. He looks pale. We lift him over, He screeches. I feel bad. Gym Rat gets the story from his nurse..."Well, so he should be going straight to the O-R. He perforated his Bowels... we think it's much worse. He was almost hit by a car last week & took a pretty bad fall, down a hill. Didn't get checked- he thought he was okay. No broken bones. Just some residual road rash- legs, elbows, ect. Increasing Abdominal pain with distention over the last week. Loss of appetite, blood in stool. Just gave him 2 of Morphine. Stop in the ER first and see where they want ya."

While driving, my partner of course, HAS to ask what happened. Not only for his report, but to satisfy his sparked (and mine) curiosity. "This f*cking as*hole was on their cell phone (Not folks, another reason to hang up and drive), and they must have forgot to turn, 'cuz they slammed on the brakes to make a right and turned right in front of me. I swerved and went down the embankment. I must have rolled 5 or 6 times."- Says sedated and loopy rotting insides. "So, what happened?"- Gym Rat. "'s kind of embarrassing. *Deflecting eye contact* When I landed at the bottom of the hill, I landed "ON" my bike, if you know what I mean." Gym Rat- "Oooooh, ouch. THAT sucks." (Suddenly uncomfortable sitting). "At first, I thought I was fine. Lucky for not hurting myself. But then my stomach started hurting later that night and got worse. I started throwing up blood. Just downhill from there. I thought it would get better- I hoped, cuz I didn't wanna got to the ER and tell them what happened...I've seen stories of people having to have things they shove up the as*es surgically removed and I didn't want to be laughed at like I was making some story." (Understandable...and true, sadly.)

At the Surgical specialty Hospital- we get stopped in the ER...'X-RAY!!" yells the Tech. He is shuffled to CT. All within 3 mintues. (This MUST be bad...) The gaggle of Doc's are whispering with a purpose...bad news. We lock eyes with Mr. Avid Bicyclist as his Nascar Bed is Raced to the O-R...Last time he would be seen alive.

He passed on the operating table...the hole he sustained in his Bowels- allowing his waste to leak into his insides, became necrotic (Necrotizing Fassciitis-  an infection caused by bacteria. It can destroy skin, fat, and the tissue covering the muscles within a very short time. AKA- Flesh-Eating bacteria.)
...and rapidly progressed internally. The infection was so bad, it launched an attack on all surrounding organs. Thus, resulting in his untimely departing this world. Unfortunate that his worry for being judged incorrectly allowed for the "worst case scenario" to win out over "the possibility of"...

R.I.P. Mr. Avid Bicyclist.

Volume 2 to Follow.

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