Friday, May 25, 2012

Spot light tag...

Night shift...good ol' night shift. Always SO much more fun! Less traffic...Less people. More city to freely play in....

Kermit and I worked with 2 other crews during night shift, for a decent stint of time after the rest went home and before new people movers came on to join in the fun every morning. We had a never ending bout of practical jokes and silly ambulance games with each other. Always trying to "one-up"the other crew.

We thought we were safe...that we found a hiding spot better than theirs. "There's no way they'll find us here!" *Smirking while shying from window- still peering out* whispers Kermit like speaking any louder would blow our cover.

You see, we just covered their bus with hand sanitizer...door handles, steering wheel, mic, radio/stereo buttons and dials. Plus any and every other lever, crack & crevasse known to man...aka EMT.

This doesn't sound too terrible when first reading...wait- it gets better!

The radio crackles, breaking the silence- "Sick Bus 2? What's your location??". It isn't the voice in the is Sick Bus 1! Only transmitting to the other buses. They must have got back in their bus and turned on the rig...that means they got their much anticipated surprise. The only thing making this any better would have been to see it!

Kermit and I look at each other. Him with the "Oh sh*t!" look and me holding my mouth, holding back my hysterical laughter. We both know what the other is thinking..."we're safe".

Backed down a long driveway overgrown by blackberry bushes we sit, silently in the dark for what seems like an eternity. Kermit watching the front. Me- peering out the back. This driveway leaves us access to escape from either way in...perfect. The branches hang down just enough to darken the shiny color of paint that is our bus. Lights off, engine silenced. Windows cracked for heightened sense ability to alert us to our predator approaching.

If we wouldn't have seen the headlights from the PD car that turned on down it, while we drove passed in our scattered attempt to find solace in our brought upon self game of "Hide-N-Seek", we wouldn't be here now, with baited breath. They have to be circling us. They weren't too far away at *Insert Local ER here*. Only a matter of time.

"Sick Bus 2- have one for ya!". The Voice in the sky ruins us. We creep forward to head out for the call. If we were moving any slower, we would be stopped. We feel them getting closer.

Starsky & Hutch won't cease in their hunt until the get the next point. Especially with what we got away far.

We head a few miles away, park and wait for this call. They can't get to us from here as they were needed elsewhere. We wait...guess this caller decided they weren't sick enough to make acquaintance with the inside of the back of our rig. Perfect! Back down to the heart of Latte Mecca we go!

As we drive down the highway, we are the only car. Except for a quickly growing set of headlights from behind us, just joining the empty that is the 5 lane parking lot at every other point during the day. These lights cut across all lanes. Weird. (Probably going to be our next call)

Two exits left. Kermit is singing to tonight's choice of music. I'm playing Look-out. Then...all of a sudden, we are neck & neck with Starsky & Hutch. Hutch is driving. They are on the driver's side. I only had a few seconds to try to figure out what Starsky was up to before....

...I'm blinded by the artificial beam of light known as their spot light, through the window. "Aaaaaaaah!!! Heeeeeeeeh..." Kermit hisses. If I were able to see right now- anything other than giant vision stealing spots, it would be like watching a Vampire respond to the sun.

By the time I can see again, and Kermit has recovered and back to driving in one lane, they are now on my side! *Blocking eyes with hand* I slowly peer through my fingers out the window. Kermit has his jacket pulled over his head- like Beavis as "Cornholio".

*BLINDED BY LIGHT* "Aaaah, again?! WTF?!" I yelp as I throw up the other hand to use both to cover my eyes! "Drive! DRIVE!!". Kermit returns fire- "We're under attack!!!!!"

I should have known better...of course they would have found a way to stretch the cord over to Hutch while he was driving!! Punks...

For the next 6 hours, we hunt each other...Spot Light Tag score? Kermit and I: 3. Starsky & Hutch: 6. Rules have been created and voted upon via text. (of course we text! Not gonna give up our position!)

Every time we see them, the nose end of each rig veers quickly away from the synchronized swimming if flippers were wheels. Sometimes it looks like a battle between ships is taking place- beams of light quickly firing back and forth like cannonballs hurling across the water. "FIRE!!"...(Our "water" being the pavement between us from different sides of the parking lot).

 It must be a clear shot through the side window, catching a full eye squinted face- in order to count for points. Through the front is a game winner...however, will be impossible due to the fact that from this point on, neither rig will ever shut down to sleep for fear of failure and unexpected night sunshine abruptly waking us from slumber.

We see them at *Insert Local ER here*. It's like walking passed your high school rival! Direct eye contact- locked in. The threatening grimace on each of our faces...yea, that's the one. The "I mean business" face. "Aaaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" I break into laughter...Kermit stares. Starsky & Hutchs' faces change to nothing other than confusion.

"What you laughing at?!?" Mumbles Hutch, looking more sheepish than manly.

As I walk passed him...I reach up and wipe off his chin. The baby powder that sprayed out of their vents when they found their AC on full blast when they turned on their rig 7 hours ago, (poured in to stick to all the oozing, dripping Hand Sanitizer we caked throughout their rig) is smudged all over!! "Looks like you missed a spot, kid...unless that's a powdered donut." *Smirking while choking back laughter*. Starsky looks down at his pants, begins trying to dust himself off further.

Kermit and I "High-five" our elbows (Can't "slap hands" with gloves on silly! LOL!) as we roll our gurney passed to pick up our next temporary Sick Bus resident...

They may have been kicking our tail in Spot Light Tag points, but right now?.... We definitely just took the lead! GAME ON!!! ;-)

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