Sunday, February 19, 2012

A day like no other...

I had an idea...of the way the system worked. I signed on...
became a player and found out that my interpretation of reasons I would be called to respond were not always exactly "emergent" some cases those patrons of 9-1-1 called for well, entertaining purposes. So...I welcome you into the world of "The ambulance driver"-Also known in "Real Life" as an EMT. The stories that follow are 100% real regardless of how hard it might be, that a Code Red response for a stubbed toe is to comprehend. REALLY does happen. Names have been changed but never fear- the level of jaw dropping will maintain an all time high. I hope that maybe...JUST maybe, folks will begin to understand what we as EMS personnel handle on a daily basis. It is more "guts" then "glory"...literally. So please. When you see lights and hear us coming, move to the RIGHT so I survive to write about another shift

1 comment:

  1. You should talk about how many calls you've been on for tooth pain!
