There is rarely time in the world of EMS to do much of...well, anything really. As soon as you park & get comfy- there's a call. You pay for your meal & can see it being made? Call. Get to your favorite Latte Mecca dispensary, hopeful for your oh SO CLOSE cup of Wakey Wakey...C-A-L-L! Story of our lives. All part of the game. Irritating at times but regardless, a minor setback in our work. For me, this isn't only on shift. It also is part of my daily life (as I'm sure you've noticed by the decrease in stories posted recently- sorry!) Solution? "On Shift Short Stories"!! Not to replace all the full length versions I have waiting in back log, but to keep from long periods of time between enjoying our shifts & calls in good 'ol Latte Mecca. So I bring you Volume 1: short & sweet, but good for a little chuckle ;-)
"Birds" have been landing ALL day! We hear them coming in- rotors whirring. Call after call we position ourselves appropriately...only for not a SINGLE one of them to decide our Sick Bus is needed. This usually isn't a concern to us, EXCEPT when we are starving and hunting (searching for the least terrible place to grab food for our bellies). Bouncing around like this doesn't let us stop long enough to even make a decision of where to go.
"Uuuh, Sick Bus- just hang in you zone. You won't be needed again." Maybe THIS will be our chance?? Skat Man copies as he starts his Bee-line towards his Daily food choice favorite. We're close...but can we do it?
Two minutes pass; we sit at the light that hates us...changes as quickly when we need it to as a Tortoise!! We can see it, a few blocks to go. Hopes = Up.
"Uuuh, sick bus? Sorry but there's been a change in plans (again) so, you have 10 minutes before the next landing & it's yours. So head that way!". Skat Man copies again as he glances over with hunger filled eyes as we pull in the driveway; tummy grumbling like an inpatient toddler at snack time. (I gotta start making my lunch again!)
"Birds" have been landing ALL day! We hear them coming in- rotors whirring. Call after call we position ourselves appropriately...only for not a SINGLE one of them to decide our Sick Bus is needed. This usually isn't a concern to us, EXCEPT when we are starving and hunting (searching for the least terrible place to grab food for our bellies). Bouncing around like this doesn't let us stop long enough to even make a decision of where to go.
"Uuuh, Sick Bus- just hang in you zone. You won't be needed again." Maybe THIS will be our chance?? Skat Man copies as he starts his Bee-line towards his Daily food choice favorite. We're close...but can we do it?
Two minutes pass; we sit at the light that hates us...changes as quickly when we need it to as a Tortoise!! We can see it, a few blocks to go. Hopes = Up.
"Uuuh, sick bus? Sorry but there's been a change in plans (again) so, you have 10 minutes before the next landing & it's yours. So head that way!". Skat Man copies again as he glances over with hunger filled eyes as we pull in the driveway; tummy grumbling like an inpatient toddler at snack time. (I gotta start making my lunch again!)
Skat Man-"Do you think I have time??". The look on his face is a cross between the grown-up "I'm right & you're wrong" face & the one used to induce guilt that is quickly learned & well practiced by all of us as children- innocently hopeful. My next few words may just steal his sole if they're not the ones he wants to hear. I can't say NO to a face like that which is exactly why it works SO well for us growing up lol). Besides, it's a bad idea to stand between a man & their food! Like "that time of the month" in a Shark tank...BAD idea!
Me-"Go for it. We're close en-..."*As Ambulance door slams closed; pitter patter of Skat Mans steel toes sprinting across parking lot*. Too bad I don't wanna eat here today. I could be in there too :-( I look up in time to see the shop door's residual swinging as Skat Man bolts to the counter. The man behind it looking more surprised that opening your door to Ed McMann holding a giant check with his name on it.
Jimmy Johns Sammy Man, rather distraught- "Uuuh, I don't have a pen..." *Searching around till & moving anything blocking pen finding view; unaware of anything else*
***SLAM*** Two random hands hit the counter...
Skat Man-"Here! *pen outstretched in hand* I've got a 10 minute ETA before this Helicopter lands *heavy sense of urgency in voice* How fast can you make me a sandwich?!"
Jimmy Johns Sammy Man-"Pretty Fast!"
Skat Man-"OK!!"
Jimmy Johns Sammy Man-"Ok!"
4 minutes later, sitting in the landing zone...
*crunch, crunch; baby dinosaur noises* "Oh yea. That's a good sandwich!"

"So fast you'll freak"...Well played Jimmy Johns. WELL played ;-)
Me-"Go for it. We're close en-..."*As Ambulance door slams closed; pitter patter of Skat Mans steel toes sprinting across parking lot*. Too bad I don't wanna eat here today. I could be in there too :-( I look up in time to see the shop door's residual swinging as Skat Man bolts to the counter. The man behind it looking more surprised that opening your door to Ed McMann holding a giant check with his name on it.
Jimmy Johns Sammy Man, rather distraught- "Uuuh, I don't have a pen..." *Searching around till & moving anything blocking pen finding view; unaware of anything else*
***SLAM*** Two random hands hit the counter...
Skat Man-"Here! *pen outstretched in hand* I've got a 10 minute ETA before this Helicopter lands *heavy sense of urgency in voice* How fast can you make me a sandwich?!"
Skat Man-"OK!!"
Jimmy Johns Sammy Man-"Ok!"
4 minutes later, sitting in the landing zone...
*crunch, crunch; baby dinosaur noises* "Oh yea. That's a good sandwich!"
"So fast you'll freak"...Well played Jimmy Johns. WELL played ;-)
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