Friday, March 9, 2012

"The Bird of Prey"- The Stage 5 Clinger

There are days at work, for everyone I am sure...that we feel like we are constantly being watched. This is something that happens ALL the time on shift for us. But there is just one watchful eye that finds us.."The Bird of Prey"...he hunts us....EVERYWHERE. You can't get away..if you are in his may as well paint the side of your ambulance with "You found me!!". There is no hiding...

He is an old bird...many flights under his wing. He is tall...grey feathers...ruffled at times. Especially when all units are unavailable. It is at these times that his tactfulness and years of preying on other poor crews, come out in force. His cawing finds us...pages...surprise attacks while at the ER...and tailing us in flight to calls. Sometimes his eyes are beedy...this is when we run...flee to our safe places to take solice and stake ourselves out until his circling has ceased. He preens himself regularly and takes pride in his nest. Always shiney and neat. There are some days when he only finds us because he is lonely and wants others to fly with- but these times are a rare occassion...and leave us all in wonderment, anticipating his next moment to strike.

The Bird Of Prey makes it a point to find my truck...every morning. Just as we are getting on. All he does is facial expression. Just stares. Sometimes he greets us with a Sqreech that makes us flee the nest as fast as possible...find higher ground in hopes he doesn't launch a persuit. I feel like I am the kid that just got caught putting their finger in the jello before it was done setting. Odd how it makes me feel like I'm in trouble- every time, even though I have yet to do anything. My Moving Buddy and I- we don't get in trouble. We're good birds...always flying the straight and narrow. But! That doesn't seem to stop the Bird Of Prey...he is ALWAYS following us...ALWAYS.

So- what I have I learned from this?? Well. I have found that The Bird of Prey can be redirected or shut down for that matter, by witty remarks. It appears that he gets embarrassed easily...OR has yet to fully understand how to deal with my ADHD. I make it a point now- every shift to FIND HIM! For example:

As my partner hops in the truck and we get ready to head into Latte Meca- we see him... (who's hunting who now?!) He makes eye contact and changes his flight path to intersect with ours. We're on to him. I slowly creep towards partner and I both staring. Not a blink to be seen. Me- "Watch...I'm gonna make him uncomfortable and treat him like a 'walk-up' *chuckling*". He continues his approach. I creep further...then stop- 20 feet short of him. Make him think we have backed down to his superiority...false. He swoops up- coffee in hand. I lock the doors- he sees. His eyebrow raises. I sit- stone faced. Gaze set directly on him. We engage our attack. He is now at my window. I roll it down...2 inches. Me- "Can I help you??". His jaw drops and scoffs "Hey, don't do that...that's not fair!"... However, little does he know that my plan has been in effect and is working just as I thought. He has now lost his train of thought...He stammers over his words. We laugh. His feather ruffle...beak hanging open. My window in the same position as before.

The Bird of Prey can no longer continue with his tactics, as planned...he must retreat! Bird of Prey, "Get to work...*scoffing* (still confuzzled)...". He quickly turns and takes flight...We laugh. We have won this battle...for now. But we know he will hunt us again...and we'll be ready.

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