Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Catatonic" Complainer

Everyone deals with and handles pain from injuries ( and illnesses) differently. While a 5 year old laughs hysterically (WITHOUT medication) while watching 'Madagascar' (as they wait in their hospital bed), a grown man can be dropped to his knee's as he sucks his thumb, throwing a tantrum for more pain med's...

Monday, August 6, 2012

The "Usual" Suspect

The term "Frequent Flyer" isn't solely restricted to just the reason why airline perks are gained. No- in EMS, these are the folks that we see so often that if they they weren't able to talk (or write) it would actually make our job easier...having involuntarily memorized everything from the correct spelling of their name; Social Security number; Favorite childhood pet's name and much MUCH more!