Wednesday, January 16, 2013

On Shift Short Stories- Volume 5: "Surviving the Battle through Pill Hill"

Ambulance War Stories- we all have them. Usually though, depicting flashbacks of foul smells, patients who fight you, or seas of unnecessary bodily fluids sloshing through your Sick Bus...never do we find ourselves involved in them as part of the front line of enemy forces...against your own partner. That's where I found myself last shift. Stunned from what was going on around me & wishing I too was issued a helmet to protect me from shrapnel...

Monday, December 31, 2012

On Shift Short Stories: Volume 4- "Note to self".

En route Steel Mill- Code response, SECONDS after keys to our Meat Wagon make flesh contact with my palm, from off duty checking supplies for us tonight...Again. Hello 1st shift of the week, Typical. >:-/

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Everything but the kitchen sink"

We've all heard this saying before. Used for referencing the fact (usually with sarcasm attached) that someone has WAY to much stuff with them or, in some cases- a delicious pizza with a HUGE amount of toppings! Well, this specific instance...I'm NO way like pizza! But Skat Man sure does encounter "Everything but the kitchen sink" when we got this call...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On-Shift Short Stories- Volume 3: "Conversations from behind the curtains"

There are moments, much like the one that follows- where I ponder what the poor "Necessitative ER go-ers" must think during their life altering adventure to local Emergency rooms; gifted to them by means of traumatic injuries sustained from the frequent flying drunk driver brought in (and released) prior to their broken bones being casted & pinned back together...the little kid afraid of strangers sitting in a room of exactly that x 3, screaming about "People following me maaaaan!!"; Granny who's blindness just saved her from witnessing the unnecessary amount of naked that waltzed right passed...urinating everywhere as they go. Moments like these.

Curious to think why people continue to come to us for help when most often than not, I am sure the perception learned on TV grossly underplays the unique personalities of us who work there: the obliviously content scrub doting, Star of Life wearing medical professionals enjoying a cup of soup. All cozied up next to the UTI filled urinal, from the patient vomiting from 4 feet away. Disregarding the sounds & smells which flood & overwhelm the "Necessitative ER go-ers" senses; striking fear in their hearts like a phenomenal Halloween thriller.

I wonder if they find themselves peering down nonchalantly- at our laces...assuring each string rightfully in place still- just like we do when determining psychiatric patients VS. Staff & who to "Trust" to follow down the creepy dank hallway because "It's just right down this way, I promise..."

Monday, October 15, 2012

On-Shift Short Stories: Volume 2- "Hurry, HURRY! It's an EMERGENCY!!...but not RIGHT now."

Yes, the call you are about to read is...TRUE. Working in this field, for ANY period of time though...can you expect any less from some of the characters we see?? I didn't think so :-/ Scat Man & I- just as confuzzled on-scene to this as I'm sure you will be reading...not even needing to get out of our Sick Bus! However, for those of you who don't work in the world of EMS, here is another story of the AMAZING we see- more often than not. Short & sweet...ENJOY! :-)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

On Shift Short Stories: Volume 1- For here or to go??

There is rarely time in the world of EMS to do much of...well, anything really. As soon as you park & get comfy- there's a call. You pay for your meal & can see it being made? Call. Get to your favorite Latte Mecca dispensary, hopeful for your oh SO CLOSE cup of Wakey Wakey...C-A-L-L! Story of our lives. All part of the game. Irritating at times but regardless, a minor setback in our work. For me, this isn't only on shift. It also is part of my daily life (as I'm sure you've noticed by the decrease in stories posted recently- sorry!) Solution? "On Shift Short Stories"!! Not to replace all the full length versions I have waiting in back log, but to keep from long periods of time between enjoying our shifts & calls in good 'ol Latte Mecca. So I bring you Volume 1: short & sweet, but good for a little chuckle ;-)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Sunshine + Weekend + Sports Event = The Trifecta. In the world of Professional People Movers this means 1 thing: BUSY. Shifts like these, making sure you are stocked up with lot's of vomit repellent & "People Burrito Wrap" supplies are as important as a tetanus shot after stepping on a rusty nail. Very rarely do we get any other type's of calls from these events.

Aaaaaah, sports & alcohol- like Siamese twins...just joined at the fist. We hope Garlic Fries & Bud light will only be SMELLED, briefly as we roll by the fan packed stadium...NOT blanketed across the floor of our Sick Bus.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Catatonic" Complainer

Everyone deals with and handles pain from injuries ( and illnesses) differently. While a 5 year old laughs hysterically (WITHOUT medication) while watching 'Madagascar' (as they wait in their hospital bed), a grown man can be dropped to his knee's as he sucks his thumb, throwing a tantrum for more pain med's...

Monday, August 6, 2012

The "Usual" Suspect

The term "Frequent Flyer" isn't solely restricted to just the reason why airline perks are gained. No- in EMS, these are the folks that we see so often that if they they weren't able to talk (or write) it would actually make our job easier...having involuntarily memorized everything from the correct spelling of their name; Social Security number; Favorite childhood pet's name and much MUCH more!

Monday, July 16, 2012


This photo is real. Our last patient for the shift. The story, sad for most reasons; happy for others. Nonetheless, show people not EVERY PATIENT we see in our Sick Bus is just another *Shaking Head Moment* kind of patient....SOME- out of necessity. But this one...THIS one- with a purpose for the greater good.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Get to know us at "Your Ride is Here International"

****************UPDATED JULY 13th, 2012*****************
Wanna know where to find your favorite Professional People Mover's and what stories they are in? Each can be found on the "Professional People Movers" Page Under my About Me! Updated as my life on the job unfolds with every partner I run the calls with...Why am I not listed- Your Ride Is Here? 'Cuz I'm in each one silly! Check 'em out!