Wednesday, April 25, 2012

To Infinity...And "BEYOND!!"- Volume 3

Volume 3...this is my favorite...BEST for last. And I am sure that it is because of this kind of story that our first story was worried about becoming a patient. But, starts like this:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Partner- The Narcopletic

I wish that was really the case...Narcolepsy. At least THAT would make sense however, sadly it is NOT the reason behind why 48 hours a week, I feared for my life while rocking in the fetal position in the passenger seat. Sometimes though, while I drove- brought me entertainment *evil smirking* THIS shift:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

To Infinity...AND "BEYOND!!"- Volume 2

In Volume 2- we will meet our next rectal adventure-er...this one though- willing and voluntary. They come in all shapes and sizes...and ages too:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Worst...Game Show...Eh-ver!

Shifts are like Game "Let's make a deal!" Whether it be a Frequent Flyer bartering with you to go to a different ER; another crew needing gear off your rig; The Bird of Prey trying to push another call on us, or The Voice in the Sky wanting you to take your next before your current is even off of your stretcher...The Price is definitely WRONG!! As much as I would like Showcase #1 to have a "brand...New...CAR!!!"...I am still waiting :-/

There are 2 of us in this Twinkie!!

The "Twinkie"....The Rig...The Station...Mobile quarters...The Meat Wagon...The AMB...The Sick bus..."Your ride"...The Short bus... The Unit..."Your Taxi"... No matter what you call it, we call it home for 12-24 hours. Disturbing really, when you really think about it.